Wednesday 4 June 2008

Chinese Haircuts

Five years ago, I got a hair cut in Taiwan. Robert had to translate what I wanted. Not that it would have mattered what he said, because everyone always comes out with the same Chinese haircut. The style only depends on the length of your hair. I hated it.

I specifically got my hair cut before leaving this time. I always go to cheap salons now because I never like how I come out, whether I pay $14 or $80, so why pay more? This time, I actually had to do it twice because the first one was so very awful. But, it was definitely better than the Taiwan cut.

Maybe I had become desensitized by all the Chinese haircuts around me, but I decided to get my haircut on my lunch hour today because it really needed it. The service was great. Head massage, a shampoo before the cut and one in the middle, and the hair dresser even looked in great detail at the picture I brought in. The whole thing took one and a half hours and cost me $20Cdn, and the outcome was (predictably) terrible. No picture will be given.

I wanted to do some clothes shopping without Michael, so I asked May if she could take him after school today and I would pick him up from her place at bedtime. She had to do things at the school until 4:30, so I took Michael to IKEA and Toys 'R Us for the last time. Still no Thomas plates.

After dropping Michael back off at school, I went to the university area where there are usually good deals to be found. And there were a lot of good deals. Just not in anything my size, my style or my colour. However, it was still very nice to have a few hours on the streets of Taipei to myself.

When I went to pick up Michael, May told me that she had taken him to the Children's Museum and he had a blast playing with Annie. Oh, and that he had chocolate cake for supper. He's going to have a hard time adjusting to life back in Canada...

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