Saturday 7 June 2008

Trip Home

The trip home was a lot more uneventful that then trip to Taipei. For one thing, I didn't have to worry about Michael wetting his pants anymore. That was a big bonus.

The plane was completely full this time around, so although we were in the very last row, we still didn't get an empty seat beside us. But, we weren't squished in the middle either. I sat on the aisle. Literally, as Michael took both of our seats while he slept, leaving me a tiny little corner on which to sit. And that was with his head being on my lap. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. Michael only slept for six hours which surprised me considering that he hadn't napped on the way to the airport. Maybe it's because he couldn't sprawl out as much as usual. Luckily, the flight home is a lot shorter than the flight to Taiwan, so he was awake for the same amount of time as before.

And then we were back in Canada! Here's Michael in the Vancouver airport with our plane in the background.

The Vancouver layover was probably the worst part as nothing was open and it was a long, long walk from the international wing to our connecting flight to Calgary. The airport was actually pretty nice with large fountains and comfy places to sit, but Michael was too tired to explore. It was probably so hard because we were so close to home, and yet so far away. By this time, we just wanted to go home!

And then we arrived in Calgary. We raced off the plane and I told Michael that Daddy would be waiting for us on the other side of the doors. Alas, our flight was a few minutes early and Daddy was a few minutes late. We had collected all our luggage and everyone else from our flight had gone and I was just starting to rummage through my purse looking for something to use to make a phone call when I spotted him down the hallway. Michael ran down the hallway to his Daddy and everything was good in the universe once more.

We didn't have nearly as much of a problem adjusting to the time difference this time around. Probably because we had slept so little in the past 24 hours that we had no problems going to sleep as soon as we arrived home at 2am, getting right back on track.

And thus ended our little adventure.

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