Sunday 1 June 2008

Our Last Sunday

When I dropped off Michael in primary, I noticed that the pianist (Abby's mother) wasn't there yet, so I decided to fill in. It was nice because Michael ended up being the "spotlight" child. They have all the children stand up and then they describe someone and if the description doesn't fit you, you sit down. I had filled out a little questionaire a couple of months ago for this very purpose. Of course, Michael's favourite foods of spaghetti and ice cream were quite popular. His favourite primary song "Popcorn Popping" also didn't narrow down the field very much. The dark hair and blue eyes combo eliminated quite a few, but I think they had to say that it was a Sunbeam before everyone else was sitting. However, Michael was also sitting as he had no idea what was going on and just sat down when one of his classmates did.

The beginning of June is when all foreigners leave Taiwan, so there were lots of goodbyes at church today. We were just one of the many names read off of people leaving. I managed to drag Michael around to say a few thank yous and goodbyes before he insisted on leaving.

We met Linda at Giordano Ladies in 101. It's the upscale Giordano's store, but it's not fancy enough to be anywhere except the basement of Taipei 101. She made me try on a few things, but I told her they didn't look very good on me, or else I knew that she would insist on buying them for me. We then went to her house and waited with Harris while she went to pick up Sara.

When she got back, Linda asked Michael what his favourite food was, and he said "Spaghetti!" At least he's consistent. So, she took us out to eat at Bellini's, a japanese pasta restaurant that's surprisingly good, at another upscale shopping mall. As there were two adults and three kids, she ordered the meal for four adults, but it came with so many appetizers and drinks that none of us were very hungry by the time the pasta arrived (we wanted to save room for dessert, too!), so she gave it to us to take home. Yes, Michael and I are spoiled rotten here...

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