Friday 20 June 2008

Final Thoughts

Never again - But that's what I said last time.

It is now December 11, 2008 and already the unpleasant memories grow dim and I find myself sometimes wishing that I was back in Taiwan. Michael has asked to go back almost daily. He misses all the action and attention. Home is very dull by comparison, let alone having a younger brother around all the time again.

Robert says we enjoy Taiwan so much because we were always around rich/successful people. We wouldn't have had such a great time if we weren't always being spoiled by everyone. Another big plus is that I never needed to cook, and there was very little cleaning to do as we were never home. That was probably my favourite part about Taipei. Great food and no mess. I must also admit that I liked having the chance to improve my old school. In almost every job I've had, my specialty has been coming up with ways of making things better and more efficient. It's what I enjoy doing.

Michael changed A LOT during the few months we were away. Basically, he really did become a big boy. He is now talking fluently, he never has "accidents," and he is much more independent. However, he did get used to sleeping in Mommy's bed and is very reluctant to give that up. Sharing a room with Jeremy just isn't the same.

By the time I got home, Jeremy was a pro at saying "Daddy" and he would say, "Moh" for the word "more," but he will not say anything for Mommy. He has adjusted well to having everyone home again, but he always was very easy-going. It was nice for him to have a few months where he had Daddy's undivided attention. Robert says he gets cuter everyday - and it's true.

This blog was probably the best thing that came out of the whole trip as I have never been good at keeping a journal. It's nice to know that even though Michael will have forgotten the whole thing in a few years, he will have something to show him what he was like and what he did during these few months of his childhood.

Will I start another blog? I doubt it. But, I doubted that I would ever go back to Taiwan as well. You never know.

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