Friday 6 June 2008

Last Day

Since I took extended lunch hours for the past two days, and since I still had so much work to do, I worked through lunch and after school had a teacher's meeting to present everything and to give them a page long list of things I didn't have time for, but that really should get done. Hopefully, someone will take initiative.

It was May's last day as well, so in the morning, Teresa gave us each a parting gift, except she mistakenly handed me the larger one and May the smaller one. They were both glass sculptures by a Taipei artist that Teresa really likes. Many of the other assistants noticed and were upset on May's behalf that she had gotten something so small after eight years loyalty. Teresa apologized to May privately later and told her that she would get her a larger one. May told her not to worry about it as she was sure that I would switch with her as soon as I found out, but Teresa was horrified at the thought of asking for a gift to be exchanged for a smaller one and refused. As soon as May told me, I immediately told her that I wouldn't mind in the slightest (especially as I knew my suitcases were already quite full), but it was too late.

May also worked through lunch and was busy all day running around making sure that all her responsibilities to the school were taken care of. We were both tired by the end of the day. As it was raining heavily (of course) and we were both leaving at the same time, I suggested taking a taxi, which Michael was very happy about. Halfway home, I realized that I hadn't returned my school key but, it turns out, May had forgotten as well (and she had even more keys that I did), so she made arrangements to drop them off tomorrow so that we wouldn't have to turn around. Good thing, because I still had a lot of packing to do, and May wanted to take us out to dinner before heading to the airport.

In the middle of packing, Annie rings the bell and asks if we can leave now as the restaurant was all booked up for the night, but that we would get a table if we arrived within a half hour. She assured me that we would come back afterwards so that I could finish packing up. So, off we went.

It was the best meal that I have ever had. It was a small Szechuan restaurant and the food was amazing. I knew that Robert would be so jealous as he loves real Szechuan cuisine, so I took a picture for him. There was just the right mix of spicy and non-spicy food, and for anyone who doesn't like tofu - you have never tried the tofu here. It tasted like pudding and was so yummy that Michael ate almost the entire plate by himself. He was a very happy boy. I love the restaurants here because the food arrives piping hot within minutes of being ordered, so Michael never gets bored waiting. Maybe I will miss Taipei a little bit after all...

Well, back to the apartment. May took Michael so that I could pack without distractions. I managed to get all the packing done, except for some dirty clothes which I would pack after my shower. However, during my shower, Joseph came and took away all the suitcases to the car, so I had to shove them in my purse. Good thing for big purses.

I apologized to May for not cleaning the apartment thoroughly before leaving, as I knew that now she would have to do it. I tried to give her money so that she could just pay someone else to do it, but of course, she wouldn't hear of it.

I was surprised that Michael didn't fall asleep on the way to the airport as it was 9pm when we left. I guess he was too excited to be going on an airplane again. In fact he stayed awake all the way until boarding time at 11:30pm, although he was asleep before takeoff. The people at the airport were so nice and helpful. As soon as they see a white kid, they bend over backwards to help you. One guy actually hopped over a counter to lift our suitcases onto the conveyor belt for us.

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