Sunday 8 June 2008

Not Jetlagged?

When Trina and Michael arrived home, they seemed to have no trouble sleeping. The first day back was pretty quiet, because they felt tired, but Trina did notice all the hard work Jeremy and I had done getting the house ready for them. It was tidy in a way that it can never be with two toddlers living in it. I was glad that Trina was so pleased about my little surprise.

The other little surprise was a family dinner I arranged at our house, on Sunday. I made lasagnes and invited both sets of Michael's grandparents over. Trina wasn't too keen, because she wasn't in peak form yet, but everyone was understanding. After all, they were really excited to see Trina and Michael again.

I know that Trina was still affected by jetlag, because the next time we made lasagne, I said something offhand about the last time we had lasagne, and the fact that I made it. She said, "no you never," and I found out that Trina doesn't even remember that family dinner. Jetlag makes a pretty good excuse.

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