Saturday 31 May 2008

Family Fun Day

At the end of the year, the school always has a family fun day, where activities are set up in each room and parents and siblings are invited. It's always lots of fun. Michael and I had our portraits sketched in under three minutes (it looks nothing like us) and then Michael was free to run around anywhere he wanted. I was in charge of the bubbles station. I made different types of blowers, aided by the assistants of course, out of coat hangers, chopsticks and netting (those were pretty neat - and mostly my own idea!), straws and string, and the good old standby, pipe cleaners. I had a big bucket of water to wash off sticky hands, and no one spilled it, so I think it was a huge success!

Michael's favourite activity was the bouncing castle. The teacher in charge of it told me later that Michael spent almost the entire time jumping in and out of it. And, he didn't crack heads with anyone else. Another success!

After all the kids had left, I took a peek inside my old class to see if the new teacher had finished setting it up for the kids to arrive on Monday. Nope. No toys, no decorations, no change in furniture layout. Nothing. Then she started saying goodbye to everyone, so I took her aside and, as gently as I could, asked if she was all ready for Monday. She went back to the class, took a look around, and left fifteen minutes later without doing anything. I felt sorry for my little class, but I can only do so much.

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