Thursday 8 May 2008

A Day of Rest

Michael decided that he didn't want to see Daddy off at the airport after all, so we said our goodbyes at 9:30 last night at the apartment amidst Jeremy's screams. He thought Robert was leaving without him. Robert was just taking the luggage to the elevator... Try explaining that to a 20 month old.

As Michael didn't fall asleep until after 10:30, we were both a little tired and very glad that it was a half day of work. I wanted to pick up a few things from the supermarket on the way home and discovered that it was closed for renovations! As it's the only supermarket that's on my daily route, I was a little disappointed as I am in sore need of toilet srubbing pads and mosquito repellant wall plug-ins. I guess it will just have to wait.

Michael and I both had a nap. Having Robert and Jeremy here was wonderful, but very tiring, and very messy. After my nap, I started tidying up the apartment so that it was liveable again. A more thorough cleaning will have to wait until I get to a supermarket!

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