Thursday 15 May 2008

Never Mix Chocolate Ice Cream and Prada

Since Robert left, the weather has been absolutely gorgeous. Sunny and not too hot. It has been quite windy though. I found out later that a typhoon was passing by the island which explained the cloudless skies and wind. So, after school, I asked Michael if he wanted to go to the park or the zoo. He chose the zoo, so away we went.

Michael's goal was to see the lions this time. So, we took train up and walked over to the African Animals area. We stopped at the elephants along the way. Michael seemed interested, so I tried to sit him on the barrier, so that I wouldn't have to hold him up. He freaked out because he thought that the elephants would be able to touch him there. I explained that they couldn't come anywhere near us because there was a huge ditch all the way around that they couldn't cross. He felt better after that and sat there watching the elephants for another fifteen minutes.

I think he watched the lions for about fifteen seconds...

Then we wandered around a bit more before getting back on the train to go back to the entrance. I decided to let Michael get a chocolate ice cream because I am a totally indulgent mother, and we sat on the bench waiting for our train. After we got off the train, I noticed the ice cream was starting to drip a little, so I asked Michael if I could help him with it. As he handed it to me, it dripped heavily on my Prada purse which my aunt had given me the last time we visited her in Hong Kong. Having no tissues on me, and Michael having used up all the wipes on Mother's Day, we rushed to the bathroom where I had to buy toilet paper to clean my purse. Luckily, my purse is brown anyways, but why are stains always attracted to the most expensive thing that you have on or with you?

Then it started to rain. The only day it rained all week. We ran into the gift shop where Michael had fun trying on all the hats.

After the rain let up a little, we hurried over to the MRT and went home.

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