Tuesday 20 May 2008

My Little Snow White

Michael's teacher showed me these pictures that she took of Michael this morning. Doesn't he make a cute princess?

In fact, Michael has declared that he IS a princess. His class is doing a fairy tale unit and he's really enjoying all the princess stories and costumes. Today he made a crown and as we were walking down the hallway after school, he told me that it wasn't a prince's crown or a king's crown. It was a princess crown. End of discussion.

I took him to his favourite toy store for the last time. I think they recognize me now because they didn't have someone follow me around demonstrating anything that I glanced at. I bought a "fast train" for Michael. They have a set of five different Taiwan engines that go on wooden train sets, which included Taiwan's high speed train. Michael loves talking about when he went on the high speed train, and I couldn't deny him his own little toy one.

Then we went to Sun-Yat Sen Memorial Hall. Sometimes it's hard to remember to take pictures of the things you see everyday. Robert and I used to live two blocks away from here. We walked through it almost every week, but I don't think we have any pictures of us there. So, I took Michael to get a few shots.

No, it's not my camera. The water really is that shade of green. Gross, I know.

Michael points out 101 whenever he can see it, so here he is with his favourite building.

Here's a statue of Sun-Yat Sen and some big stone tablets behind. I have no idea what they say on them. Of course, Michael didn't even notice the statue. He was too busy chasing pigeons. After awhile, he came up to me and said, "Chasing birds is hard work!" Very true.

We headed home after that. I remembered Annie this week, but maybe she almost forgot, because she was twenty minutes late. Neither of us said anything about the time...

1 comment:

canadacole said...

Your time is running out! How sad! I'm glad you're getting lots of photos of "everyday" things (that princess bit is too cute!).