Tuesday 13 May 2008

Forgetting Annie - Again

My progress reports are due tomorrow, so I had Michael stay with his class until three o'clock today while I finished them up. Then we went to IKEA as Michael had been asking to go for the past few days. He played, we got take-out, the usual. It wasn't until we were waiting for our last connecting bus home that I remembered Annie and glanced at my watch. Oops. Annie was supposed to be coming over in five minutes. So, I quickly gave her a call and told her we would be fifteen minutes late.

I'm trying to get Annie to use more descriptive language, so we flipped through the Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue and read a few descriptions. Funny, not one of them mentioned the word "cool" (other than when describing temperature) and yet that seems to be the only word that Annie had to describe something she liked. But, is that so different from North American teenagers? Can they usually tell you exactly why they like something? Probably not. So, I didn't press the issue too hard.

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