Monday 5 May 2008

Computer Market

After Jeremy and I picked up Michael at school, we ate lunch and played in the recess room. The boys had fun, and I guess Trina was feeling good because she offered to take the boys and I could go to the computer market. She took the boys on the bus and I headed downtown.

I walked up and down the computer street, then into the new GuangHua marketplace. It's all different from before, when they had it under the overpass. For safety reasons, the city tore down the old location and is building a new IT building. It was supposed to be ready last month, but I think the sellers are in a temporary location still. I didn't need anything, but Trina suggested a USB hub and a multi card reader. If you want to have a computer build or need a knock-off of an iPod or blank CDs or DVDs, it's definitely the place to go. I did see an ACER desktop that was really small and just around $530 (without keyboard, mouse or monitor) and the first thing the guy said was: I can reduce the price! I also played for a moment with the new EeePC 900. My current one works fine, so I was not tempted to buy it. I also visited the underground computer market. It's great for spare parts and repairing systems. The most interesting thing I saw was a Chinese book (published in Taiwan in March) called something like "How to get the most out of your EeePC" which made specific reference to a package I put together to enable the advanced desktop that Asus left out. I felt a moment of pride, then moved on.

The computer market was the last on my list of things to do, other than the textile market (clothing), which we won't visit because it's too rainy. So now that I'm done, I can spend the next two days cleaning and packing and resting, hopefully reducing the severity of our jetlag.

I got back home at 4:15, and as I took out the keys to get into the house, I realised that if I had the keys, Trina wouldn't have been able to get inside. And the boys wouldn't have napped. I called the school, where Trina had just left, but they ran after her and, without going into further details, everyone had an early bedtime. Except Jeremy, who doesn't know how to go to sleep and just played in bed for hours. I fell asleep before he did, and woke up at 11:30 to find him with his arms above his head, his back on the matress, but his bum and legs on the floor.

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