Sunday 25 May 2008

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Only two more weeks before I leave and there are so many things I wanted to do for the last time. I can't belive I've only had a mango ice once the entire time I've been here! I also want to go to Jiufen, because I've never been. I want to take Michael on bumper cars again. I want to go back to my 10NT store and have traditional ice in that night market again. I want to take Michael to the cool new waterpark they built here.

However, it doesn't look like I will be able to do any of those things as there is rain in the forecast for forever more... Now, all I want to do is go back to Canada. What's the point of staying in a rainy country far from home with an active three year old?

So, back to IKEA and Toys 'R Us, to search for Thomas the Tank Engine plates once more. Robert informed me that two had broken on his trip back, so we needed replacements. Still no plates, but we did find a Thomas Snakes and Ladders game. Not much of a substitute for bumper cars, but it will have to do. It turned from rain to torrential downpour while we were there, so we waited it out in Starbucks with a super large hot chocolate. Can you believe I'm drinking hot chocolate at the end of May in a sub-tropical country!?!

I taught Michael how to play snakes and ladders after we got home. He caught on pretty quick and loves playing it. He got upset the first time I won, but I explained how we needed to take turns winning, and although he wasn't happy about it, he conceded that that was only fair.

I must admit that I did cheat a little to let him win a little more often, but that's just what moms do.

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