Saturday 10 May 2008

Michael's Informal Photo Shoot

I continued cleaning up the apartment today. I did laundry, laundry and more laundry. Michael got bored and decided to nap, so afterwards, I decided to take him to Yu Kids Island for the last time. We stopped off at our favourite "cheap store that sells everything" to get Michael a case for his new "Ipod." It's actually a Creative Zen that Robert bought him the day before he left, but to Michael, it's an "ipod" just like Daddy's. I didn't buy him an ipod case either. I'm not sure what it was, maybe a cell phone case or an extremely small purse. Anyways, I wanted the one with a dragon on it, but Michael decided on the one with a monkey. Since he was born in the year of the monkey (and it's his case after all) I let him get it.

Michael had a great time at Yu Kids, except for the time when he was in the jumping castle and decided to wrestle down another boy, bumping his head in the process. He screamed very loudly but didn't get much sympathy from me. Later on, he found a little girl, who was probably a year younger than him and was leading her around by the hand and playing nicely with her. Why isn't he such a good big brother to Jeremy? It must have been because she was a girl. How come I don't have a girl?

At the TAS spring fair a few weeks ago, we had been approached by modelling agents who really wanted to sign up our boys, especially Michael. I had thought about having Michael do a little modelling while here, as it's super easy for white kids to find work here, but decided later we didn't have the time. One of the agents was pretty disappointed with our refusal and kept on showing Michael magazine covers and asking him if he wanted his picture on them. Michael had no idea what she was talking about. However, today Michael decided that he wanted to be a model after all and insisted on my taking dozens of shots of him while on the climber. Here are a few.

He is pretty cute, I must admit. However, I soon tired of, "Mommy! Take my picture!"

Afterwards we went to Geant where I finally found the toilet scrubbing pads that I was looking for. I also found Michael a T-shirt that he loves, because it looks like the ones that Robert likes. And it was only $3 Cdn. Now, those are the kinds of clothes that my boys need. I should have bought two...

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