Tuesday 19 February 2008

Asia World Once More

Went back to Asia World (of IKEA fame) and the only embarrassing moment happened when a worker told Michael to stop pulling on some lever in an arcade. I had not bought any tokens as Michael can't play anything, but he enjoys pretending. He was just pretending too hard.

Bought Michael his ice cream. Tried out the fried beef noodles at the Thai place in the food court. When asked how spicy, I said "just a little," hoping that I would be able to share with Michael. No such luck. It made me wonder what the regular spiciness was, as it was pretty hot.

Steered clear of the demonstration lady in Toys 'R Us. Michael spent about twenty minutes in the baby section pressing all the buttons on the electronic toys and trying out all the little ride-on toys (that were tethered to the floor, so he couldn't go very far).

No fights in the IKEA ballpit today. We got take-out at the restaurant, and I think the man at the till was the manager who had come running over last week when Michael dropped our tray . I just hope he didn't recognize us.

All in all, pretty uneventful.

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