Saturday 9 February 2008

Rich Friends

This afternoon, I met up Linda and her two children, Sara and Harris, whom I used to tutor. Harris had also been in my class the first year we were in Taiwan. It was quite a shock to see them four years older. Linda has always spoiled us, and yesterday was no different. She gave Michael many of Harris' old toys (which Michael loves), and gave me a Gucci watch (she assured me she has lots and won't miss it at all) as well as a Chinese jacket that she designed herself (she used to be a wedding gown fashion designer) and had made for me. Of course, she also gave Michael a red packet. I felt bad that I didn't have anything for her kids. She wanted to give us more stuff, but there wasn't enough room in the taxi to bring it back, so it has to wait for next time.

She then took us to Taipei 101 (one of the tallest buildings in the world) to eat at a fancy Thai restaurant because she knows I love Thai food. Of course, she ordered way to much and insisted that I take all the leftovers home. She then took a taxi back with us to make sure our apartment was liveable before saying goodbye. Sometimes it's nice to be spoiled.

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