Sunday 17 February 2008

Scared of Sunbeams

Michael is refusing to go to his Sunbeam class. Since he had such a rough first week of school, I didn't want to force him, so I let him come to Relief Society with me to show him how "boring" it was. I wouldn't let him play with any of his toys (or else what would he play with during Sacrament meeting?) and told him he had to sit quietly. He whispered the entire time. When I told him he had to be quiet if he wanted to stay with me, he responded, "I am being quiet" in a voice the entire room could hear.

He allowed me to take him to singing/sharing time, but when I went upstairs to pick him up at the end, his Sunbeam teacher was outside holding him and he was bawling his eyes out. They said he was fine until the last three minutes and then just decided that he had had enough. His poor teacher is fairly short, and Michael is quite tall for his age, so she was barely holding him off the floor. It looked a little comical actually.

Michael decided that he wanted to sit in the very front row at church today. That means that everyone saw (and heard) him announce that he needed to go potty during the third speaker and all watched as we ran out (the only doors are at the back of the chapel). Then they all watched as I came back in to get his extra set of clothes because he didn't quite make it. Then again as we came back in to sit back down for the last two minutes. And yes, I did try to make him go right before the meeting, but he refused.

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