Friday 15 February 2008

Jetlagged in Taipei

Well, we've been here for a week. Michael seems to be sleeping normal hours, but last night was the first that I've been able to sleep all night. The first four nights we were here, Michael and I were waking up around 2am and could not fall back asleep until around 6am. Needless to say, we weren't at our best throughout the days. But, hopefully it will get better soon.

More crying at school today. I can handle a good half hour of crying, but after two and a half hours, it starts to wear a little thin. I'm very glad it's Friday. Michael is doing better, although his teacher says he has a real problem cleaning up. He'd rather sit and cry than clean up his toys.

Another full day. During the afternoon break period, I took Michael out for a walk. We passed by this cake and coffee shop, so we decided to have afternoon tea (or in our case, hot chocolate). As I was about to order, I saw Michael squirming around, so I ran him to the bathroom. It was Michael's first experience with a squat toilet. Now, he just learned how to use urinals, and he's still not great at standing at a toilet bowl, so I won't get into too many details, but let's just say that I hope the next bathroom cleaning was sometime soon. Then he chose a chocolate cake from the display window which we ate in the shop. The hot chocolate we carried back to the school as it was still too hot for Michael.

We got a drive home tonight, which was nice. Hopefully it will be nice tomorrow so that we can go outside.

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