Sunday 24 February 2008

Church, Costco and Chinese Grandmothers

As luck would have it, the church that May goes to is right by ours and also starts at 11am, so last week, she gave us a ride. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a weekly ritual, so I waited around until 10:20, and then started walking towards the bus stop. About half way there, I hear my name being called out, and see May running down the street after us. Turns out we had a ride after all.

Michael is still refusing to go to Sunbeams. He would rather sit with me through Relief Society and then just go to singing/sharing time. This week, he almost had to sit on the floor, as some of the Chinese wards were having conference, and had taken out half the chairs from our room. So, a good dozen sisters sat on the floor at the back of the room. This was the first week that Michael didn't have an "accident" at church. Probably because he decided to sit in the very last row and knew that it wouldn't embarass me as much if he did.

May had invited us over to her brother's house for dinner, but beforehand, she needed to go to Costco and took us along. What a madhouse. Now I remembered why Robert and I never went on the weekend. You cannot move. The Costco here has a four level underground parkade. We couldn't even find a spot until B3, and then only because we saw someone pull out right in front of us. Annie was running around standing in the long line ups for samples, while I tried to prevent Michael from getting crushed. I was pretty glad to get out of there.

Then we returned to May's house where she divided up her Costco purchases between her family and her brother's. Their families are very close. Her mother lives with her brother, and they eat dinner there almost every night. Michael found a set of light-up devil's horns. I especially like the red eyes in the picture as well. He wanted to wear them all night, but we finally persuaded him to take them off to go to supper.

Then we had a Chinese grandmother fuss over us. She had made two vegetable dishes, a fish, some chicken, pork, and two soups. May said that it was very typical. She didn't cook more because we were coming. Plus she had cooked a separate Chinese medicinal soup for Annie. Luckily Michael ate a lot, so she was happy.

Michael then had fun playing (or banging) on their electric keyboard. I had to drag him off before we all went insane. Their apartment is quite small, and there wasn't much room to move around, so I was glad that May suggested we take Michael home to go to bed soon after. He was getting tired. It had been a long day.

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