Monday 11 February 2008

A Week's Work in a Day

Today I did what I used to have a whole week to to. Prepare my classroom and get all the first day's parent information ready to go for the first day of school, which is tomorrow. I was hoping that my teaching assistant would have done some preparation already as she had plenty of notice, and I was told that she had done a few things. Nope.

Luckily, I had the assistance of another teaching assistant as well, so the three of us took nine hours and got almost everything done. I had to completely change the classroom around and make major modifications to the decor as it had been used exclusively for elementary school aged children up until then. Poor Michael had to spend the whole day there, except for going out to dim sum (I got my favourite shrimp dumplings!) for lunch with my boss. He eventually fell asleep on the mats under the climber in the recess room.

In the evening, I had to do all the paperwork that I hadn't done at school, in the dark, on my laptop as Michael was sleeping. The computer in my apartment is all in Chinese and I wouldn't have been able to do the correct formatting. I could have taken the laptop out of the bedroom and turned on a light, but it was too cold. Now, I just have to lug my laptop to the school in order to print everything out as my wireless Internet card seems to cause my laptop to die everytime I put it in. At least I have Internet on the Chinese computer.

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