Sunday 16 March 2008

Baking Cookies, a Dozen at a Time

We finally got around to making our oatmeal cookies today after church. I had actually just started when Annie rang the bell, so she stayed and helped us. She ended up doing most of the work stirring while I helped Michael measure out all the ingredients.

Then she offered the use of her mother's toaster oven which she said May had bought especially for baking cookies. Figuring it had to be better than mine (I don't even have a temperature setting - I can just set which burners I want on), I accepted and we all went over there.

Now, you can only bake a dozen small cookies at a time, and cookies take twice as long in these tiny ovens where half the heat gets out everytime you open the door, so it took a couple of hours to finish baking them all. But, it sure made their house smell good and Michael had fun playing with Annie.

They made pasta for supper (with ground pork) and we were of course invited. I left them two thirds of the cookies in exchange, then went home to put Michael to bed. It was a good weekend.

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