Tuesday 25 March 2008

The Substitute Teacher

That would be me. Again. The Kindergarten teacher went home sick, so I took her class in the afternoon and her Grade Fives after that. The Kindergarten kids I would take anyday. The Grade Fives, I never want to see again. Actually, most of them are okay. There are just two girls and one boy that make being a teacher a form of torture. There are only eight kids in the class.

The boy wasn't there today, but the two girls were in fine form. I eventually threw one of them out and made her work in the common area (which was quiet and empty) by herself. She kept on complaining that the others were too loud and she couldn't concentrate. Then she decided to creak her chair as loudly as she could in protest. Well, they were supposed to be talking as they were finished their individual work and were working on a group presentation. As she was days behind most of the others in her work, I figured she needed some alone time to concentrate and gave it to her. Let's just say, I'm not in her good books. But that's okay. I sympathize with their teacher. I would stay home sick more often too if I had them.

By the time we got home, it was way too late to tutor Annie, so we just had her over to bake cookies (we borrowed her oven as well). At least the day ended on a sweet note!

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