Monday 10 March 2008

Shopping for Grandma

A few years ago, I gave my mom a fleece top that I had bought in Taiwan because the sleeves were too short for me. Now, it is her favourite top because the sleeves are just the right length for her. She's always complaining that the sleeves in Canada are too long, so she asked me to bring back some more for her.

Now my mom is impossible to shop for. Anything she wants, she just goes out and gets, so no one ever knows what to give her at special occasions. My last few gifts have all been major flops, although she's too kind to come right out and say so. So, I really wanted to be able to honour this request for tops.

Unfortunately, the fashions here are crazy right now. They kind of follow the Japanese culture, but they always completely overdo it. The last time we were here, it was super long, pointy shoes, with lots of sequins. It made me think of what I always imagined people wore in the Arabian Nights. Now, everyone is walking around in these shapeless, balloon like, brightly patterned outfits that are just insane. Even the boys are walking around in things that ressemble pantaloons. And the women's tops look like they're massive maternity clothes. The colours are all very loud and the patterns just give you a headache. Now, the business clothes are not like this, very formal and classic, but business clothes are just sold in places that I never go into as they are all name brand designers.

So, I've been trying to find long sleeved tops, and I know I'm almost out of time as it's the end of winter, but I can't find anything. Of course, I can't look very thoroughly with Michael trying to pull everything off the displays, but I have looked.

Since it was rainy, again, I decided to take Michael to an underground mall to look some more. Nothing, nothing, nothing. The only thing we found of interest was a Thomas the Tank Engine wallet, which I did not buy. Michael hates just shopping, so we hopped back on the bus to Asia World to let him play at IKEA and to eat ice cream. Have I mentioned that they have 10NT ice cream cones? That come in a waffle cone? They're great.

I tried the spicy chicken fried rice at the Thai place in the food court. Delicious. I know what I'll be having every time we go to Asia World!

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