Saturday 22 March 2008

Going to IKEA - the Long Way

Michael said he wanted to go to IKEA to play in the balls today. I didn't have any other plans, so why not? However, I decided to go the long way as I had heard there was a teacher resource store kind of along the way, and I wanted to pick up a few more things at my favourite 10NT store. Didn't find the teacher resource store, but we had a good walk.

We stopped at a chain Japanese noodle restaurant for lunch. I ordered a set meal of beef noodles. The side dish was a bowl of boiled lettuce with pork gravy on top. Michael actually likes boiled lettuce, so it wasn't too bad. The noodles arrived piping hot, so I was trying to cool them down and feed them to Michael using the soup spoon for his bowl. An observant young waiter came up to me and kept on saying something to me in Chinese. I just smiled and gave that, "I have no idea what you're saying to me" look, until he went off and came back with a small bowl and spoon for Michael. At least I know how to say "Thank you" in Chinese!

After lunch, we went to the Hess bookstore that Robert and I always went to as they had a good selection of English books and places to sit (mostly on the floor - but that's normal here). I read Michael about ten books and thereby shamed another mother into reading to her child rather than reading a magazine and letting her child run loose. I'm really glad that Michael loves reading so much. I hope it continues!

Then off to IKEA. It wasn't as crowded as I had feared. Enough children for Michael to have fun with, but not too many. I got my spicy chicken fried rice for dinner and then we went home. We transferred buses at the supermarket as I wanted to pick up some ground beef and mushrooms for a spaghetti sauce for Sunday. Silly me. Ground beef? The only beef they have is thin slices for hot pot. They had some ground pork... That's what May puts in her spaghetti sauces. So, I opted for ground chicken instead. We have chicken with pasta at home. Pork, not so much. At least I found some fairly decent looking mushrooms. All in all, a pretty good day.


Robert said...

You didn't mention that the "ground chicken" turned out to be pork after all.

Robert said...

Oops, my mistake. I spoiled the surprise. It comes in a later blog post.

I guess that's what happens when I get a preview of these stories over the phone, a week before they show up online.
