Thursday 27 March 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences

Today was the first of two days of parent-teacher conferences. As I only have twelve students, I was only meeting with parents for three hours each day. I actually call them parent education sessions as I spend most of the time explaining to these parents why their kid doesn't act like a perfect miniature adult. It's because they're two years old. It's a huge revelation to them.

I was meeting with one set of parents that had told me before in the communication book that they hit their son (who's not yet two and a half) whenever he hits his eight year old sister. I'm sure they hit him for other reasons as well, but I wasn't going to get into that. They were completely astounded to learn that he did not already know the difference between right and wrong and that he wasn't able to understand that other people have feelings, too.

These things need to be taught! Hitting him doesn't teach him anything, besides it's okay to hit as long as you're bigger and stronger than who you're hitting. (He hasn't learned that lesson yet either, as although he's one of the smallest in the class, he's knocked over kids twice his size in class.)

In almost every conference, I also got to listen to all the excuses why it was so hard to teach their child at home (and how they were so glad that I was doing such a wonderful job of teaching them at school). Most had to do with the "maid." "The maid won't make them behave." Or, "the maid lets them watch too much TV." Or, "the maid just does it for them because it's easier." I felt like telling them all to grow up and take responsibility for their own parenting. They're all astounded at how much I've been able to do with their children in two and a half hours, five days a week over six weeks. Imagine what they could do with all the other hours their kids are awake!

I guess that's why they pay the big bucks to send them to my school (73 000NT for three and a half months with me). And it's nothing to them. The mother of my most active boy told me in the conference that she was taking her kids to the States for the entire month of April. I'm sure she'll be out at least 50 000 NT just in school tuition that she's already paid for her two boys (he has an older brother in the full day preschool class). And they wonder why their kids act so spoiled...

At lunchtime, two of the other teachers invited Michael and I to join them. Michael was busy playing with one of his Kindergarten friends, and refused to go out for lunch when I asked. Then I said, "Do you want to eat with Ms. Franchuk?" who is his teacher. He immediately yelled, "Yes!" and ran for the door. I guess Mommy just isn't good enough. Well, at least all the parents love me...

I finally got around to making that spaghetti sauce I was planning on making last Sunday. Turns out the ground chicken was actually pork strings. I should have known.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow hhow do you handle parents hitting kids as a teacher? i would never know when to tell someone