Tuesday 4 March 2008

Searching for a Shovel and Pail

I took Michael back to the market that I didn't have a chance to explore last Thursday. I justified the long walk by telling him that we would find a shovel and pail for him there. I didn't think that I was lying through my teeth, but it turns out I was.

I did take Michael to a fruit stand and let him pick out any fruit that he wanted. At first, he chose the papaya, but he always refuses to eat papaya when we get it in our mixed fruit cups, so I vetoed that. So, he chose the cherry tomatoes. Michael loves tomatoes.

Now the reason I love this market so much is because it contains my favourite store in Taipei. I was really glad that it was still there. I call it the 10NT store, because everything in it is 10NT unless otherwise marked. Kind of like a dollar store, except 10NT is about 32 cents Canadian. I got two headbands, small baskets for my class, ziplock bags for Michael's snacks, and a few other things all for 10NT each. It was great.

The closest we came to finding a pail was some small cleaning buckets, but they didn't look sturdy enough to hold up under a Michael in a sandbox, so I wouldn't let him buy one. I felt bad that all I had gotten for him were some tomatoes, so I took him on a bus to another cheap, everything kind of store, that some of the teachers had told me about. They did seem to have everything. Except sand toys. But, we did find gummy bears in bulk, so the trip was not in vain.

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