Sunday 2 March 2008

My Little Sunbeam

Michael finally went to Sunbeams today. Of course, I had to bribe him. When I went to pick him up afterwards, his teacher firmly told me never to send toys or snacks with him again. Oops.

He decided to sit at the very front and centre for sacrament meeting, and we only had to run out once for the potty. He entertained the bishopric during the rest of the time.

Every time we go to church, Michael always points out the Angel Moroni on the temple beside our building, so here's a picture to remember it by. I had to practically lie down on the ground to get that shot.

After church, we went to May's house to deliver some strawberries that we had picked up yesterday and wanted to share with them and found the house full of cousins. Michael enjoyed playing with all the "big kids."

Here's a picture of Michael on his little trike. It's too small for him, but he still likes pedalling it all around the basketball court behind our apartment. He also likes the little climber. May refused to let him go on the slide until she had gotten a damp rag to clean it, then forced a couple of cousins down first to dry it. Michael is definitely the little prince here.

We then returned home where I cooked for the first time! That is, if you call boiling pasta and adding a can of diced tomatoes and shredded cheese "cooking." All I've done up until now is reheat take-out, with the stove being used only to boil water for Michael's baths. So, I was pretty proud of myself and Michael enjoyed more familiar food.

An hour later, May called us and invited us over for dumplings, so I didn't have to cook after all. She then sent a bunch of frozen ones home with us. I'm going to have to start buying her strawberries everyday.

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