Monday 24 March 2008

A New First

It was only a half-day of work, but we went straight home after school. I realized that this was a first for us. Usually on half-days, I feel that I need to take Michael somewhere. After all, we are in a foreign country. We should be seeing as much as possible while we're here. But, after the weekend and a morning at school, he was pretty tired.

It was actually kind of nice. I got some cleaning done. Michael loves helping to scrub the bathtub and toilet. Then he had a nap, and I caught up on my blog a little (meaning I was only four days behind instead of eight or nine). A nice quiet day.

I woke Michael up by suggesting we make chocolate chip cookies. He said to start without him. He's very difficult to wake up from naps. So, I made as much noise as possible, telling him about all the steps I was taking to get ready to make cookies, and he finally came out ready to help. I decided to add three eggs instead of two as they were the eggs Theresa had given me my first day here, and they really needed to get used up. Probably because of that, the dough was way too sticky, so I added a little more flour as well. Then we phoned Annie, but no answer. We tried a few times. When she called us back an hour later, she said her father was taking a course and she was going to her grandmother's so no one would be home until 10pm. So, we packed up the cookie dough to bake another day as I didn't think our toaster over would be able to do an adequate job. Michael was a little disappointed, but had eaten so much cookie dough that he didn't complain too much.

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