Sunday 9 March 2008

To Save a Dollar

Well, my vow never to return to Tom Dragon lasted less than 24 hours. I decided that they weren't going to get an umbrella out of me as well, so we went off to retrieve it before church today. We left around 10am, and got to church around 11:30am. A good hour long detour, and an extra 60NT for the MRT ride there and back and the extra bus ride to church.

According to the weather bureau here, Taipei has, on average 170 days of rain a year. I personally think it's more than that. When it says that there's a 10% chance of rain, it usually means that it will rain 10% of the day. And there have only been four days with 0% since I've been here. Most of the rain is at night, so it doesn't bother us too much, but we know to always have an umbrella. Everyone knows this, and yet everyone also forgets, so you can find umbrellas being sold everywhere for 100NT. Nice big ones, not flimsy little ones. Everyone in Taiwan has dozens of umbrellas for this very reason. Right outside my school, there's usually a big umbrella display with many 100NT umbrellas. I also passed one on our way back from picking up the umbrella at Tom Dragon.

This means, that I only saved myself 40NT, or a little over a dollar. In fact, it probably would have been better to buy a new one as Michael had already broken part of ours while playing with it. But, it was the principle of the matter!

I got two thank you cards today. One from the compassionate service coordinator and one from Abby's mom. Another reason why I love English wards overseas. Everyone tries to help each other out because they know there's no extended family around, and they're always so appreciative of every little thing.

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