Wednesday 9 April 2008

Champion Crier

Michael's teacher wasn't feeling well today. I can always tell what mood his teacher is in by how often I hear him cry in the mornings. The whole school can hear him cry. He just wails at the top of his lungs over everything, and if you don't catch him before it starts, it gets out of control. Usually, you just have to tell him to stop crying and use his words, listen to him, then distract him and then everythings alright. And usually, that's what happens. But a bad teacher day is like a bad mom day. Nobody's happy.

His teacher came into my class at lunch time and told me that she had a migraine and was leaving, so I would be alone with the Grade 3s. That was fine as they were just working on travel brochures and just needed more research time.

I was hoping to get through a week without a potty story, but it will have to wait until next week. After I finally convinced Michael to go home after school, we walked to the bus stop and then he announced he needed to go. So, we raced back to the school, he went, and then started playing with one of the administrators and refused to leave again. So we stayed another fifteen minutes until Annie's class was over and then we went out to eat with Annie and May.

As we were walking to the restaurant, we passed a street vendor selling strawberries, and Michael started begging for some. May picked out some for him and some for Annie, but I actually managed to pay for them before she did (only because I had the exact amount of money, and she would have required change, so he took mine). Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough at supper and she paid the bill before we ate so that I wouldn't be able to pay. You win some, you lose some. Although, it's funny that I consider it losing when I don't get to pay!

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