Sunday 6 April 2008

YouTube and Geckos Part II

Yes, Michael has become a YouTube addict. I typed in "Thomas" in the search box and tonnes of "Thomas the Tank Engine" videos came up. Michael is a huge fan. Most of the videos were home videos of kids playing with their train sets, or toy battery operated engines going around fancy track setups that the kids had made. I think Michael spent two hours on YouTube while I read a book. I kept on going over to check on him thinking that he would fall asleep in front of such boring material, but he was fascinated.

As I was eating dinner, a gecko ran up the wall in front of me. This time I remembered to take a picture before running next door and asking May's husband to get it out for me. The last time freaked me out enough. I wasn't about to do it again myself when help is so close by. As you can see, it was in the process of growing back a tail. I wondered if it was the same one as before...

Joseph and his son James came over with a mosquito racket and some paper. I didn't want them to zap it unintentionally, so I got them a container which they used to take it outside. I kept on telling them to take it far away, but they let it out right outside my door again. So, maybe there will be a Geckos Park III post sometime before I leave.

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