Tuesday 8 April 2008

Misc. Day

I took Michael to a dumpling restaurant close to school for lunch. As we arrived, Linda was just walking out, so she helped us order and paid the bill before she left. We got a cold soy milk drink, which Michael actually liked. When I had gotten it warm before (the way I like it on cold days), he took one sip and refused to drink anymore, so I was a little surprised. I like dumpling restaurants because they have little saucers (that you're supposed to mix your hot sauce and vinegar in) that make perfect little bowls for Michael.

Then we went to our afternoon tea coffee shop to see if they had an iced chocolate drink. The menu said they did, but it turned out just to be cold chocolate milk with a few ice cubes thrown in. Next time, we'll just go to the 7-11 across the street for the same thing at half the price.

I needed to develop some pictures, so we kept on walking. The owner grabbed another customer (obviously a regular) to translate for me. Then we went into the public housing community and played on their playgrounds. It's right by the first apartment Robert and I had in Taiwan. Nothing has changed much there.

As soon as Annie came over for her lesson, I asked her to translate my air conditioner remote control. I had pressed a whole bunch of buttons on it earlier, and it was blowing cool air, but not cold air. I guess I had used up whatever battery was left, because she couldn't make it do anything using the remote. Oh well.

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