Thursday 17 April 2008

Getting Ready for the New Arrivals

Michael threw a tantrum today because I went into his classroom to pick him up. He wanted to wait for me on the bench outside his classroom. So, I left and he waited on the bench. Everytime I came by, I asked him if we wanted to leave yet, and he said no. He was having too much fun playing with Ms. Janus by the front door.

The parents of the twins in my class offered me the use of one of their strollers for while Jeremy is here and dropped it off. It's really nice and light, so I didn't have too much trouble carrying it around for the rest of the day. Just as long as it didn't rain...

We went to IKEA and stock up on food for Robert and Jeremy, and for Michael to play in the kids area. Then we went home - me trying to balance all my purchases, a stroller and a three year old on Taiwanese buses. The buses here deserve an entire blog entry of their own. One day, I'll get around to it.

I spent the rest of the day cleaning up the apartment and rearranging things to make it more toddler friendly. Michael was getting really excited and refused to go to sleep until after ten. Joseph had said that we would be leaving at 5am to go to the airport. He'll sleep in the car, right?

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