Friday 18 April 2008

They're Here!

Michael woke up at 2am with a fever and a cough. He slept very fitfully from then on, and therefore, I didn't sleep at all. At 4:50am, I had to call May to ask her to come over and stay with Michael while I went to the airport with Joseph. She came over in her PJs and slippers. I was glad to have an experienced mom with him while I was gone.

We arrived at the airport when Robert's flight was due to land, but it was delayed. So, we had to wait for over an hour and a half. I bought Joseph and I some breakfast (I had to get out my guidebook to ask him if he wanted beef or chicken) and then walked all over the entire airport to use up some more time.

May phoned around 7am because Michael had said that he wanted to talk to me, but once she had me on the phone, he refused to talk. How typical. She said he had gotten up to go to the bathroom and looked a little better, although he still had the fever.

Then they arrived! Jeremy came right to me, no problems. And all that time that I had spent worrying that he had forgotten me... He stayed in my arms the whole way back and fell asleep in the car. He sure is heavier!

Despite Michael's fever, he was super excited to see his daddy and brother. I can't imagine what he would have been like without the fever. He was running and jumping all around. I had to calm them all down by giving them a bath and putting them all to bed at 10am.

Robert is going to take care of the blog while he's here, so you can read about the rest of the day from him.

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