Monday 7 April 2008

Legal Again

Well, the sun came out, I got off at the right bus stop, I remembered my map, the supervisor wasn't in a meeting and the girl I was talking to last time had just come back from lunch when I walked in, so I didn't wait for my number to be called (there were A LOT more people than last time), but went straight to her before she could start with anyone else and she took care of me right away. With such a string of good luck, how could things not work out? Well, I did have to call Robert at 1:30am Calgary time to get him to e-mail me a bank statement, but we got our visa extentions and will not have to pay any fines when we leave. Yeah!

Then we went to the park to play. Michael got knocked over by a girl on a swing. I had only warned him not to run in front of her about a dozen times already. Oh well. Then we went to IKEA for ice cream, to play in the ballpit and to eat dinner. Michael really likes their "pork chop." It's actually a cordon bleu pork chop (stuffed with ham and cheese with a crispy coating) which is actually quite tasty. Probably because it's deep fried... When I get back to Canada, I'm going to need to go on a serious diet.

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