Friday 25 April 2008

A Day Out

Friday is Trina's long day at school, which meant that I would spend most of the day just with Jeremy. I decided to spend a little more time with Michael in the morning and then pick him up before after school care. We took our time at home, then took the bus into town. We got off at the wrong stop, though, so we walked all the way up DunHua S Rd, stopping twice to buy drinks (once for Michael's lunch) and once for Michael's favourite breakfast: chocolate spread on toast.

Jeremy and I ate our breakfast at the playground, where Jeremy enjoyed playing near the other small kids. I'll leave out the diaper story. We walked to DaAn park, two major streets away. I say "we", but I did all the walking and Jeremy wanted to be carried. I had decided not to bring the stroller because some exercise would be good for Jeremy. I ended up getting the exercise. Jeremy had quite a bit of fun at the park and we decided to come back with Michael at the end of the day.

The library was on the way home, and it's somewhere that I had enjoyed during our last stay in Taipei. Jeremy isn't quite as fond of books as I am, but we still spent about half an hour.

Heading back home, Jeremy and I were hungry, so we found a "big wonton" noodle soup. The woman was kind enough to take a picture for us. There were about 4 tables in this tiny place.

On the way, we stopped to shop for swimwear. Jeremy amused himself carrying things around in the store, and even the employees commented on how busy he is. I think we left the shop the way we found it. When we got home, Jeremy was pretty tired and tucked himself in for a nap...

One of our favourite bedtime stories is Blue Hat, Green Hat, in which a turkey wears his clothes all wrong and says: Oops! That is what I thought of when Jeremy tucked himself in all wrong. Oops! I was still proud of him, though. As soon as Jeremy woke up from his nap, we ran out to catch the bus. We just missed one, but usually they come really often. We live near the end of the loop, and I think they turn around and so when we saw four more buses go up the hill (almost in a row), I expected one to pick us up any minute. 40 minutes later, we hailed a cab.

We picked up Michael a little later than I would have liked, but he was still happy and we all went to DaAn park again... this time with a stroller and with sand toys. The boys made a little friend, whose father saw this as a great opportunity to push his son to practice his English. The boys had fun anyway.

When Trina was done work (6:15), it was starting to get dark (sunset at 6:20). I told Michael why we needed to leave and he cupped his hands to his mouth and announced: "Nighttime! Nighttime!" so that all his friends would know it was time to go home. When we met Trina, we went to a Cantonese (Hong Kong) restaurant not far from her school. You can always recognise them by the roast ducks hanging in the window. She had always wanted to try it, but didn't want to brave it alone because she can't speak Chinese. It turned out that they have a bilingual menu, and they make a really good Singapore noodle and a wonton noodle soup the way Trina likes. We ordered too much food because we wanted to take some home and because the boys didn't eat as much as we thought. That's okay, more for later! Trina said she'll definitely go back there.

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