Thursday 24 April 2008

A Cold Day

If you can believe it, 19C counts as a cold day. I had strangers suggesting that I put something more on Jeremy, because he was surely too cold in his short sleeves. They probably meant well, but I was thinking that it was pretty balmy compared to Canada.

Trina wanted to take the boys to the Children's Recreation Centre, but it was a little wet out, so she changed her mind. In the same direction is a community sports centre, so we went there. Michael got upset about something (probably about not getting to push an elevator button), so Trina decided we were all going straight back home. Michael calmed down and Trina changed her mind. We made it to the sports centre and found the children's play room:

We had been hoping for more, but it was indoors and dry and warm. The boys were happy for about 30 minutes. There was a nice-looking pool there, but they have strict rules: you must wear a swimming cap and goggles and a speedo. Since we had come unprepared, we decided to leave.

Michael had gotten excited about swimming, though, so Trina promised to take him to the water park. That's where we headed next, but since it was a cold day, the water wasn't on. It looked really nice and at least we now know where it is. There were huge schools of goldfish in a couple of the pools, which entertained the boys for a while longer.

For dinner, we found a Thai restaurant. All four of us really liked the food and it was so cheap, at less than $5 per dish. That is hard to beat. Coming out, we were in a really busy night market across from the National Taiwan University, so we had to fight our way to our bus stop. Our bus stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and we climbed up all 216 of them. We made it home without losing anyone, so that counts as a successful day.

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