Wednesday 23 April 2008

A Quiet Day

I can write a long post, even for a relatively quiet day. That's because when I was at home, I would write Trina multiple emails a day to tell her everything that we were doing. She enjoyed them and I've developed a habit.

Jeremy and I seem to be mostly over our jet lag, since we both slept until 7:00am (only waking up once). Now we just have to deal with it again when we return home. Knowing that Trina would be working a full day today, I offered to bring Michael to school. Trina left at 7:30 and us boys ate some melon for breakfast, then I let the boys play together for a while. At 8:15, we decided to walk down the hill to catch the 902 to avoid having to switch buses later. The bus arrived as we were crossing the street to catch it, so the driver had to wait (anathema for bus drivers in Taiwan) while I unbuckled the boys, folded the stroller and climbed on. A gentleman helped me lug the stroller up the steps, for which the bus driver was grateful because it save a few precious fractions of a second. We rode up to the school and then went hunting for (second) breakfast. I learned how to say toast in Chinese (transliterated: "too-sss"), but French toast here means two slices of white bread, crusts cut off, toasted on each side. Since it had chocolate spread in the middle, Michael loved it. I also got a hamburger (hold the egg) for me, but Jeremy ate half of it. Michael was so excited about school, he ran off without even saying goodbye. I guess that's a good thing.

Jeremy and I walked over to the playground, which was dry today, to finish breakfast and stretch our legs. Since I made Jeremy stay in the stroller so long yesterday, I thought I'd let him out more today. That lasted until his was done at the playground 45 minutes later, because we walked up another morning market. This was the busiest one yet, so I was glad for the cool weather and light breeze. There is no way to describe the number and density of people and variety of goods. Clothing, fruit, dumplings, vegetables, kitchen wares, and on and on and on. Probably three blocks of it, and up some of the side streets as well. Jeremy decided part way through the first block that he wouldn't sit in his stroller or walk holding my hand, so we had to take a break. After we had both calmed down, he decided to ride the rest of the way in the stroller. Because we had walked Michael to school, we had the extra-wide double (front-back) stroller and it was a pain to squeeze through. At the end of the market, I bought Jeremy a hanging trinket for $1 CDN, which he can just barely wear on his wrist. We stopped at another bakery (I sense this may become a trend), then walked back to the main street to catch the bus home. Jeremy seemed tired this morning, so he'll have an afternoon nap. While waiting for the bus, he chased some pigeons around then, when it came, refused to sit in his seat.

We went to meet Michael at school at 3:30, just time for Jeremy to join the older kids for snack. He's lucky the Teaching Assistants think he's so cute, he can get away with anything. Then we went to play at the playground until Mommy was done work at 6:15. When the boys got tired of the first playground, we found a new one to play at. Here they are taking a quick break. I don't know why, but Jeremy seems to have started sucking his thumb more. Maybe it's security in a new place. You can see his trinket hanging from his wrist.

I met a few other parents and they all seem to love practicing their English with me. We picked up Trina from work, then went out to dinner. The restaurant had a salad bar and we shouldn't have bothered buying the boys a meal, because they just ate the canteloupe. About eight pieces each. By the time we got home, it was 8:00pm. There was just time for a short bath and a couple stories, because Jeremy was really tired. I don't know what it is about his bed, because the moment we tucked him in (with Michael), he woke up and started climbing and jumping. Michael lay quietly and eventually Trina had to go in to keep Jeremy quiet. An hour and a half later, I think he fell asleep.

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